Thursday, August 26, 2010

New GST Transactional Return

The GST transitional return is divided into two parts to account for the change in the GST rate.

Part 1 for supplies at the GST rate of 12.5%

In Part 1 you record your sales and income, and purchases and expenses, plus any adjustments (including the rate change adjustment), from the start of your return period until 30 September 2010. The GST calculation is at 12.5%, meaning your GST-inclusive sales and income, and purchases and expenses will be divided by nine (9) to find the GST component.

Part 2 for supplies at the new GST rate of 15%

In Part 2 you record your sales and income, purchases and expenses, and any adjustments from 1 October 2010 until the end of your return period.

The GST calculation is at the new GST rate of 15%, so your GST-inclusive sales and income, and purchases and expenses will be calculated by multiplying by 3 then dividing by 23 to find the GST component.

You'll need to add together the:

  • total GST collected on sales and income from Parts 1 and 2, and
  • any GST credit for purchases and expenses from Parts 1 and 2.

The difference between these two amounts will determine whether you have GST to pay, or a GST refund.

Completing your GST transitional return

You will need to:
  • separate any goods and services you have purchased and sold before and after the rate change
  • record these supplies on the appropriate part of the GST transitional return
  • complete and file your GST transitional return and make any payment by the return and payment due date.

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