Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Friends at Challenge Wanaka

You've probably noticed an increase in the folks running and cycling about the place lately - the town has gone Challenge crazy! You probably even know someone who has caught the bug and entered!

Here at Findlay and Co our crew is fairly involved. We have had staff enter in the past, we volunteer on the big day, we are part of the sponsorship team and Scott sits on the board as a Trustee. Victoria and the team at Evenz who put this mammoth event together do an amazing job and we encourage you to get involved.

Should you like to explore the opportunities available to showcase your business at the event please touch base. There is a huge opportunity to raise the profile of your business in front of the Wanaka community, competitors and their support groups. Participants in the event are like-minded, driven and successful individuals attracted to Wanaka for more reasons than to bust a gut at Ironman. To be involved and associated with an event such as this is exciting and fun.

We will be there with bells on!

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