Monday, January 31, 2011

Know your business inside out!

Have you seen an episode of Dragons Den, the show where entrepreneurial folks with start up businesses present propositions to potential investors i.e. ‘The Dragons’?

It all starts off a bit fluffy and excited about each idea then the drilling down begins and you start to see what, if anything, the hopefuls know about their business. If you were put on the spot could you answer:

• Who are your customers/target market?
• Are you speaking to the right customers about the right things?
• Do you understand your staffs strengths and weaknesses?
• Do you have some clear key performance indicators that you monitor?
• Do you understand your financial statements enough to be able to manage cash flow and plan budgets?
• Do you have any marketing activity and if so is it working?

We are able to supply you with a check list in order for you to consider how well you know your business. Let us know if you would like a copy.

We can help with lots of these areas:

• Explain your financial statements for you
• Cash flow management
• Budgeting and tax forecasting
• Marketing advice
• Strategic planning
• Succession planning

By having a good handle on all these things we look for possible savings, make sure you have no surprises and plan for tax payments and expenditure. It’s smarter to be schooled up. It’s your business and you should know it intimately!

To grab a business check list drop us a line here.

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