Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Survival Advice

1. Stock up!
On everything, the best way to stay sane is to avoid the shops, get double everything in this next shop. Check you have enough gas in BBQ, gas in tank and gas for the house. Buy more champagne than you think you'll need, buy heaps of beers and 20 bags of potato chips.

2. Taxi!
Store the local taxi cabs number in your phone and don't drink and drive, ever!

3. Pre-empt a hangover!
Get a survival kit together, panadol, sachet rehydrate packets, easy freezer food and apparently, pickle juice!

4. Slip, slop, slap.
Wear sunscreen, chapstick, zinc, sun hat, sunglasses and get in the shade.

5. Exercise
See if you can fit in a couple more runs than usual this week, ready to blob out post Christmas Turkey

5. Library
Get books and magazines at the ready, read the reviews or check out the recommended reads at the library....get ready to lie around.

6. Games and fun
Get fun things for the kids to do ready for the odd rainy day. Plan some activities, walks, visits to the park, fishing or bike rides.

7. Be careful in the water
Swim between the flags, be sensible and look after your mates.

8. Drive safe
Be patient and drive below the speed limit, be in mantrol

9. Have fun, rest and relax
Most of all have fun, shake off 2011, see your friends, eat, drink, be safe and merry!

Merry Christmas everybody!

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