Monday, February 13, 2012

Fresh for Success!

Improve productivity

With a fresh brain after Christmas break (unless you over-indulged) take a look at your business with fresh eyes. Look to streamline processes, overheads, time management, scheduling, energy and staff. By cutting stuff out you may free up more time to put in productive work time and free up more play-time!

Hire who you need

Consider the best use of your time and if need be hire contractors to manage things you are not so keen on: bookwork, accounts, administration, basic tasks, marketing or cleaning.

Promote all of your services

You need to truly let people know about all that you do, you cannot sell a secret!! Do you think that people understand ALL that you do? Let them know in newsletters, blogs, send them information, especially if it applies to them and you think they will benefit. They will love hearing from you!

Dig a little deeper

Start asking your clients what it is that they need? Are you clear on their situation, who they might know that also might need help and discussing if there is anything else you can do to help them. It pays to ask!

Call for no reason

Communication is key and we don’t see why there is any reason not to just check in. By keeping in touch your clients may think of some of the products or services that they may need from you, and if not, when they do they will be sure to call. Plus it’s nice to catch up right?

Market like you mean it

Get out and about and meet the other business owners in your area. Check out the advertising specials out and about and consider jumping on the social media bandwagon. It’s not as tricky as you’d think.

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