Thursday, January 10, 2013

Challenge Volunteers Needed!!

Being a volunteer is both rewarding and motivating

The task of taking on a 3.8km swim, 180km bike and 42.2km run is daunting in itself, but doing it without the supporters on the sidelines and the teams of ‘volunteers’ who are there directing traffic, assisting in transition, handing out food at aid stations and supporting athletes in recovery would be a much tougher task.

Being a volunteer is both rewarding and motivating. You can…
  • Make a contribution to sport
  • Be part of an event
  • Gain useful experience and job satisfaction
  • Meet new people

At our sister event, Challenge Roth in Germany, the volunteers get so much satisfaction out of the experience that some have worked on the event for over 10 years!
Challenge Wanaka is a non-profit organisation run by a volunteer board of trustees. The Challenge Wanaka Sports Trust’s purpose is to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle, play an instrumental part in growing the sport of triathlon in New Zealand and to deliver an event to the benefit of the local community, both socially and economically. None of this would be achievable without the mammoth effort from all our 700 volunteers. As well as needing support on race day, the Challenge Wanaka team also need the assistance of dedicated individuals to help in the lead up and post event. Some of these tasks include:
  • Making up of registration packs
  • Helping at registration
  • Infrastructure build-up and breakdown
  • Venue set up and breakdown
  • Setting up of aid stations
  • Clear-up and rubbish collection

As a volunteer you will be asked to perform a duty (or duties) as part of a team. This may be one shift, or split with a break in between but don’t worry, we will provide you with food and drink. Briefing times will be confirmed as volunteers are allocated to roles accordingly.
At the end of the event, we hold a big thank you party for all our volunteers to celebrate your achievements and what you have helped deliver for our community. The pro athletes come as well to tell you their stories of race day and how you helped them on their journey. Plus there are great spot prizes to win including two awesome mountain bikes from World Travellers Wanaka and it’s lots of fun!

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