Here in Wanaka Findlay and Co Chartered Accountants are banding together with other lawyers and insurance advisers in our area to offer free advice to business owners who need help to get back on their feet.
We have set up a phone line that you can call to discuss any aspect of your business that you need help with. There is no charge for this and we are happy to work with your existing professional team of lawyers and accountants to keep things running and get you the right information.
We can provide you with advice about what the government is doing to help, how to handle the insurance claims, manage HR side of your business and help with cash flow and planning.
We also have available resources here for you. This may mean a physical space, technology and staff to help you. We will help you find the things you need.
We can help to find you billet type accommodation should you need to come to Wanaka for a few days to sort things out. We will also make trips to Christchurch to sit down with you and help you make the steps to recovery, just call to set up a time.
We want to help and the most useful thing we have to give is advice. Please touch base if we can be of any assistance; if it is not our area we will find you the people you need to help you. Please be assured we will work with your professional advisors to get you back on your feet.
Our thoughts are with you Christchurch.
Call 03 443 4417