Thursday, December 23, 2010

Egg Nog

Now we know that Egg Nog isn't really a Kiwi thing but give this a whirl it is delicious!! And if it's a no go, maybe just crack a Speights.

6 cups of unsweetened vanilla almond milk or vanilla soya milk
3/4 cup egg whites + 1 whole egg, beaten
2 Tablespoons of agave nectar or Sucanat1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 ½ teaspoons rum extractPinch of sea salt, ground cinnamon and nutmeg

Directions:In a medium saucepan heat the almond milk, eggs andagave/ Sucanat(cane sugar). Bring to a boil and allowto simmer continually stiring and allow to thicken forabout 5 minutes.Stir in the vanilla, rum, sea salt and spices.Remove from heat. Refrigerate and serve in a lovelyglass and sprinkle with an extra pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.


Thanks to for the recipe!

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