Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We would like to propose a toast!

There is always something to smile about!

1. According to the new Global Peace Index (GPI), New Zealand tops the list of countries that are the safest in the world.
2. According to the just released Human Development Report released by the UN, New Zealand is the third best country to live in the world, climbing 17 places in this year’s index.
3. According to the IFC and World Bank, among 183 economies, New Zealand is in the top 3 for ease of doing business for local firms.
4. Australia and New Zealand shared first place, in a first-of-its-kind survey ranking 153 nations on the willingness of their citizens to donate time and money to charity. China ranked near the bottom, barely higher than last-place Madagascar.
5. And if that doesn’t put a smile on your face, the world recession has created an oversupply of bubbly from France. Retailers are waging a ’champagne war’, with prices for Moët slumping by almost 30%!

Cheers to that!

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