Thursday, March 15, 2012

ACC Changes Self Employed Invoicing

ACC has recently changed the way it invoices self-employed clients with regard to their full or part-time status, dependent on whether you work 30 hours or more a week.

Information on your full or part-time status no longer flows through to ACC’s database on the IRD IR3 form. If you held part-time status last year and this year your earnings crossed the threshold you will receive a letter from ACC automatically confirming your change to full-time status. In all other scenarios it is up to you to formally confirm a change of status with ACC.

It would pay to check your invoice this year and call us if there’s any confusion. Clients could get stung, for instance, if they have been paying levies on the basis of part-time status, have an accident, and then declare full-time status. In such a case ACC may query it and can backdate levies up to four years.

We provide an ongoing ACC administration and advisory service to our clients on an agreed annual fee basis. Being recognised by ACC as your online agent gives us secure online access to your levy information, your cover status and invoices, allowing us to work directly with ACC. A simple signed authority from you and we’d be happy to review your cover structure and premiums, to ensure your cover is appropriate and levies are minimised.

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