Friday, March 30, 2012

Get your docs in a row...

We aim to prepare your financial statements and tax returns in good time. To do this we need your completed annual questionnaires with full supporting documentation. Minimise costly delays and keep in mind the likely supporting documents for:

* New Bank Loans, balance outstanding at year end, security, interest rate, loan term

* Fresh Hire Purchases Items, interest rate, term and repayment plan

* Vehicle/Plant & equipment purchases, agreements. Was finance obtained?

* Closing Stock and WIP (Work in Progress). Stock on hand at year end? Any un-billed work in progress?

* Income, include details of Wage or Employer Subsidies, additional income as defined for Working for Families

* Bank Statements. If you use MYOB or a similar system, copies of final bank and credit card statements let us check the reconciled balance

* Property/Business Sales/Purchases, agreements and settlement statements

* Debtors and Creditors. What is owed by or to your business, including whether amounts are GST inclusive or exclusive?

* Donations/school fees? Receipts needed please

* Interest, dividends and rebates? Provide details

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