Monday, March 7, 2011

Six Smart Cookies

Six smart NZ men make up the brains behind Pacific Fibre, a start-up looking to lay submarine fibre-optic cable to link New Zealand, Australia and the US (where about 85% of the internet data New Zealanders consume originates from).

A high calibre team made up of Rod Drury (Xero CEO), Stephen Tindall (The Warehouse), Sam Morgan (Trade Me founder), Lance Wiggs (tech entrepreneur), Mark Rushworth (ex Vodafone smarty) and John Humphrey (networks expert) have put their heads together and their money where their mouth is on this HUGE project.

The idea born through seeking the actual end result; fast internet with better data capabilities and capacity.The project kicked off following a meeting with the government imploring them to invest in the technology and insisting the investment would be sure to make a return. To which David Cuncliffe, the former technology minister stated "if the numbers stack up, why don't you do it your self". So they started to check it out....and Pacific Fibre was born.

So here is what they say they are going to do:

We propose to run a most-direct cable from Australia and New Zealand to the USA, delivering lower latency which will provide significant competitive advantage for financial services sector and better browsing experience for all. It will enable easy connectivity to the Pacific network by providing access at major CBD POPs for customers, eg. Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Los Angeles.

So all eyes are on the boys as this pala comes to fruition, it is an almighty dream and one we will be watching closely. A tip of the hat to you all!

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